Friday, October 1, 2010

My Kitchen Table

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my kitchen table. I've been trying to find a way to convey what I've been up to lately and I think the chaos that is my table does a pretty good job. This is PA grad school in a nutshell. The majority of the table is covered in notes, books, diagrams, computer, highlighters, 3 hold puncher, backpack etc. That is symbolizing how the majority of my life is taken up by studying, learning, and other such activities. You'll notice, however, that there is a small corner taken up by Zach. He and the rest of my family pretty much take up the rest of my life. For the next 2 years at least.
Some interesting things about being in PA school:
I remember every disorder or disease by tagging them to someone I know who has it.
I found myself describing the crap you sometimes have in your eye when you wake up as mucopurulent discharge and I actually know what that means.
I have to look into noses and ears and I like it.
Last Tuesday my day consisted of a lecture on suicide and another one on cancer and I wasn't that depressed about it. This Tuesday it consisted of a lecture on death and dying and another one on cancer and I still wasn't that depressed.
To put it simply, life in the Brown house is a little bit different and a lot more stressful but despite all that, I love what I'm learning. There isn't much else I'd rather be doing...except maybe traveling the world but that will come later and by then I'll be able to save your life if you happen to go into shock while traveling with me!
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Zach Brown said...

I'll take up a small corner of your life any day!

Rosy and Angy said...


Kenningtons said...

My entire house looks like your table.... I'm going to pretend like I have a good reason for it like you do. Hope your life settles down soon!!