Wednesday night was Counting Crows! WOW is the best word I have. This was my 4th concert and the only complaint I have is that they didn't have near enough time to play. They are so fun to see live because even if you know all of the words to all of the songs, you're always surprised. Adam always does something new. Below are some pics for those of who who didn't have the privilege of being there live.
Pathologist: Ever seen a spleen that large?
Fletch: No, not since breakfast.
Stanton Boyd: What kind of a name is Poon?
Fletch: Comanche Indian.
Fletch: I'm John.
Gail Stanwyk: Ohhhh, John. John who?
Fletch: John Cock...tos...ton.
Gail Stanwyk: Thats a beautiful name.
Fletch: It's Scotch/Romanian.
Gail Stanwyk: That's an odd combination.
Fletch: So were my parents.
This week has been a beautiful week in Phoenix, which is odd for early September. It's probably been in the mid to high 90s with a nice little breeze all week. That being said, we set out to do a little more yard work. We have a nice big rose bush in our front yard and a different big flowery bush in our back yard. Well no one has really bothered to take care of them so they've kind of grown out of control and really needed to be trimmed. I'd trimmed the rose bush earlier in the summer pretty far back but my dad said that I needed to trim it more. Well since it was such a beautiful day, I decided that today would be the day.
I need to explain that I was taught to trim by my dad. My mom recently told me a story that explains that way he trims and I thought it fit rather nicely. When my parents were younger they were managing some apartments. One day my dad went out and trimmed the trees and bushes in the fall so that they could look good in the spring. The owner drove by, saw what had happened and called my parents saying, "Somebody raped the trees!!" My dad explained that he had done it and not to worry because the trees would look great in the spring. With that story in my head, I set out to rape my trees and rape them I did! Once again, I should have taken a before picture because both bushes were about 6 times the size they are now. I filled an entire big trash can with the trimmings. Here you go Dad! I hope I've made you proud!
Well, that was our week. Zach is now in his office doing homework and I'm about to clean something. I hope everyone had a good week!
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