Friday, December 4, 2009


This is my little adopted niece Annalise. She just got baptized. I'm never disappointed at baptisms. I've been to a few and I always think that since I've been to a few this particular one won't be so special but they always are. Every baptism is special. I always feel the Spirit and it's always especially strong. Annalise's baptism was no different. This little girl was taking a very important step and her Heavenly Father was very pleased with her. I'm glad that I could be there to see it. Congratulations Annalise. You're such a special girl and I love you!


Kenningtons said...

Wait...WHAT??!! I'm tyring to figure out this adopted niece thing......... What??? Anyway, she looks beautiful all glowing and pure in her white dress. I agree, all baptisms are so special.

Shannon said...

I have no real nieces and nephews of my own and I use to watch Annalise all the time so she is like my little I say that I've adopted her. I also claim any children of my friends as adopted nieces and nephews. I hope that clarifies for anyone who is wondering.

Sarah B. said...

WOW, look at how much those girls have grown...haven't seen them since your wedding!