Wednesday, September 19, 2012


(The past two years I've put up a fake family picture.  This time it's a real one!  The sign says and baby!)

Well the past year has flown by.  I'm finally a PA-C.  That means that I completed my 2 year masters degree.  15 months of sitting in class all day and studying all night with a little time left over for my wonderfully supportive husband.  That was followed by 12 months of working all sorts of hours in different medical specialties for free.  I liked some specialties more than others but feel very blessed to have had the experiences I had.  My surgery rotation was with a cardiothoracic surgeon.  I don't like surgery but it was such a privilege to see and touch a beating human heart.  I discovered that my passion lay in family practice and that is where the majority of my rotations were.  I got to watch several c-sections and see those beautiful babies take their first breath.  I don't think there is anything quite like that.  I appreciate so much my wonderful preceptors who helped me realize that it was ok not to like certain parts of medicine (surgery, ER!) and I will forever be grateful to my last preceptors who worked with me during my first months of pregnancy and being horribly sick and never made me feel uncomfortable or bad about having to sit down! (That might not sound like much but it meant a whole lot to me)  I'll never forget some of the patients I was able to work with.  I know it's hard to have a student come and see you but they were so kind and patient with me and helped me learn what I needed to learn.  I could not have done it without them!  So thank you!

PA-C also means that I passed the PA National Certification Exam.  Getting to graduation is only part of the process.  It all comes down to whether or not you can pass this one test.  I studied for a good month after graduation and sat through a 5 hour test!  When I found out that I passed all of the emotions and stress and hard times of the past two years kind of disappeared and it all became worth it.  I don't want to do it again mind you but I did it and it feels good to accomplish something hard.

A very special thank you to my family for all of your support!  You guys are the best!  And to Zach who got me through it all.  I could not have done it without you!    Now on to bigger and better things!!


Amy said...

I'm so glad you're back to blogging! Congrats on so many exciting things!

LucyH said...

Yay! congrats!!! When are you due?