It was Zach's birthday on Thursday and it was a good one! He is now 24 years old. They do grow up so fast.

The festivities started at midnight with the opening of one present. He was alright with waiting until later but I'm always so excited to see his reaction that I made him open one.

Unfortunately we both had to go to work but I did manage to text him happy birthday in different languages every hour just so that he wouldn't forget it was his birthday. As soon as we got home he was ripping into the rest of his presents. I had such a fun time shopping for him this year. I didn't get him anything he asked for but I think he was pleasantly surprised.
A camper stove from my parents (AWESOME)

It was a Daniel Craig movie birthday!

Lots of lower calorie snacks (we're trying to eat better).

He also got scrabble and I had one of our paintings from Peru framed for him. I think all of the excitement has him confused. He was trying to eat the movie instead of his snacks.

After presents we had a great dinner with his dad at Macayos and then it was home to watch one of his new movies (either one had Daniel Craig so I didn't really care which) and play Scrabble which he kicked my tail at (I'm out of practice).
Saturday we continued the celebration by going to see Lion King at Gammage with his family. It was AMAZING. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. We got to go to Cheesecake factory afterwards where Zach opened his electric razor (yay!) from his parents and we got to eat lots of cheesecake!!

All in all I think it was a good birthday and for the next five months he is only 1 year younger than me.
Happy birthday Zach! I love you!